Amalia Dorelien, MD

   Family Medicine

I care for patients at:

Amalia Dorelien, MD is a family medicine physician at HRHCare Spring Valley. She received her MD from the Medical School of the State of Haiti in Port-au-Prince and completed both her internship and residency in family medicine at the Institute for Family Health in New York City. Prior to joining HRHCare, she served patients through the urgent care department of OFATMA in Port-au-Prince, and the ENT department of the University Hospital of Haiti. Dr. Dorelien is licensed to practice medicine in the State of New York.
Family Medicine
HRHCare family physicians provide excellent, comprehensive primary and preventive care to patients of all ages. Our care team gets to know our patients’ individual health needs, learn about their health history, keeps track of any medications they are taking, and works with them to create a personal care plan.

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